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Grace Greater than my
Orig Key: G | New Key:

Title: Grace Greater Than Our Sin

Key: G

time 3/4

Verse 1

G          D7    (Em D/F#) G    (D7) G
Marvellous grace of our lov - ing Lord
D          (G/D) D7       G       (C/G) G
Grace that ex - ceeds our sin and our guilt
G         D7    (Em  D/F#) G    (D7)  Em
Yonder on Cal - va - ry's mount out - poured
C           (G/B) Am7  (G/B C) G/D  D   G
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt



G             C/G   G
Grace, grace, God's grace
D7                         G       (C/G)  G
Grace that will pardon and cleanse with - in
G             C/G   G
Grace, grace, God's grace
C          (G/B) Am7    (G/B C)  G/D D   G
Grace that is great - er than all our sin

Verse 2

G            D7    (Em  D/F#) G  (D7)  G
Sin and de - spair like the sea waves cold
D        (G/D) D7       G      (C/G) G
Threaten the soul with infi - nite loss
G             D7      (Em D/F#) G    (D7) Em
Grace that is great - er yes grace un - told
C         (G/B) Am7  (G/B C) G/D     D G
Points to the ref - uge the might - y Cross

Verse 3

G           D7    (Em  D/F#) G    (D7) G
Dark is the stain that we can - not hide
D        (G/D) D7     G       (C/G) G
What can a - vail to wash it a - way
G             D7     (Em D/F#) G     (D7) Em
Look there is flow - ing a crim - son tide
C      (G/B) Am7 (G/B C) G/D D   G
Whiter than snow you may be to - day

Verse 4

G          D7   (Em  D/F#) G      (D7) G
Marvellous in - fi - nite match - less grace
D      (G/D) D7       G       (C/G) G
Freely be - stowed on all who be - lieve
G            D7     (Em D/F#) G  (D7) Em
You that are long - ing to see His face
C        (G/B) Am7 (G/B C)  G/D   D    G
Will you this mo - ment His grace re - ceive